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‘I hope you nev…

April 27, 2013

‘I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,
Never settle for the path of least resistance.
Living might mean taking chances, but they’re worth taking,
Loving might be a mistake, but it’s worth making.
Don’t let some hell-bent heart leave you bitter,
When you come close to selling out reconsider,
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out, or dance….
……I hope you dance, I HOPE YOU DANCE!’

My beautiful babies, this is the song I’ve been singing since your birth. My gorgeous eldest girl, we played this at your Christening, because it echoes everything I wish for you, your brother and your sister.

I’m honoured to witness the people you’re growing into. My firstborn, you have my smile, my dry sense of humour. You make me laugh, I mean belly laugh! And all the more so because you don’t realise just how hilarious you are when you just blurt out whatever pops into your head. Oh, to be six years old again.

My middle baby, you seem to have inherited my intelligence, my skill with languages, my talent for mimicry. I see in you the drive, the determination to share your thoughts, your experiences, your ideas and what you’ve learned each day. I can’t wait to see where your brilliance takes you.

And finally, my baby boy. Everyone adores you, and why would they not? Your smiling eyes, your cheeky ways, your attempts at speech, and how you get words endearingly wrong, so innocently cute. My hope for you is that you retain that gregarious nature into adulthood, and become the handsome, adored and affectionate man that I know you can be, since even at the tender age of two you already have those fine qualities.

My adored children…..I hope you dance!

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